Victorian Branch Committee of Management

Below are the results of the election for the Committee of Management, conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and the rules of the organisation.
Omar El Hajj, Returning Officer, declared the following people to have been elected unopposed on 25 January 2022.

Branch Officials - Committee of Management*

President, Robert Slimmon
Vice President, Andrew Burza

Secretary/Treasurer, Paul Conway
Assistant Secretary, Adam Blyth
Organiser, Baden Collisson

Committee of Management Members:
Francis Brook
Kevin Earl
Glen Gili
Michael Goodman
Loral Turner
Jason Williamson

* Note: The elections for the COM take place every 4 years. If a member leaves the industry, they resign and the position remains vacant until the next elections. Workplace Delegates are different structures from the Committee of Management.

Federal Council Delegates

Paul Conway

Adam Blyth

Baden Collisson